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Fr. Steve Mateja is a priest of the Archdiocese of Detroit. He was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on May 26, 2012 by Archbishop Allen Vigneron. He currently serves in Macomb County MI at St. Francis-St. Maximilian in Ray Twp and St. Mary Mystical Rose in Armada.

Aug 24, 2014

One. Holy. Catholic. Apostolic. These are the four marks of the holy Catholic Church. These four marks distinguish us apart from every other Christian church that makes the claim they are from Jesus. Jesus founded the Holy Catholic Church,  and it is in these four marks that show he has.

Aug 18, 2014

The Canaanite woman in the gospel has faith. She steps outside of herself despite Jesus flat out ignoring her. She perseveres in faith for her daughters sake. Jesus wants us to do the same. We have grown far too lukewarm in our faith. No is the time to step it up and step outside ourselves. 

Aug 12, 2014

This isn't just a story about Jesus or Peter walking on the water, or us for that matter. This is a story about Jesus getting into our boat and combing the storm immediately once he enters. Jesus wants to comb all of the storms in our life.

Aug 5, 2014

"They all ate and were satisfied." What does it mean to be truly satisfied? It can mean only one thing really ... to be filled with Christ. Jesus has pity on those who are hungry; we come to Him for food, but in the end it is He who is hungering more for us because His only desire is to fulfill that hunger we have...