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Fr. Steve Mateja is a priest of the Archdiocese of Detroit. He was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on May 26, 2012 by Archbishop Allen Vigneron. He currently serves in Macomb County MI at St. Francis-St. Maximilian in Ray Twp and St. Mary Mystical Rose in Armada.

Oct 24, 2021

Fr. Steve explores the great story of Bartimaeus, the blind beggar.  He is alone, abandoned, and has no name.  Yet Jesus picks him out of the crowd and wants to know him personally.  

Oct 18, 2021

James and John ask a bold question to Jesus today: "we want you to do for what whatever we ask you!" Where were they rooted?  

Oct 12, 2021

The man asks Jesus what he must do to inherit Heaven. This past week we celebrated the feast of our Lady of the rosary on October 7th. This feast was originally titled Our Lady Of Victory. we must recognize the war in our daily life for our souls and our hearts continues to rage on. How is it that we inherit eternal...

Oct 3, 2021

The readings today speak of marriage, but yet they also speak of Divorce and Re-Marriage.  How can we reconcile Jesus' words that if one is divorced and remarried they are committing adultery?  

Divorce and annulments are often confusing for us as Catholics.  Are we kicked out of the Church?  Can we...