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Fr. Steve Mateja is a priest of the Archdiocese of Detroit. He was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on May 26, 2012 by Archbishop Allen Vigneron. He currently serves in Macomb County MI at St. Francis-St. Maximilian in Ray Twp and St. Mary Mystical Rose in Armada.

Sep 30, 2013

Jesus is the only person in all of history to pre-announce His coming. What distinguishes Him from all others is that Jesus was born to die! In His death we find life! What we really must do is sit before Our Lord in a crucifix today and ask Him, "Jesus, why did You die for me?" We we personalize His it becomes real...

Sep 24, 2013

Who is Jesus? Why do I need him? I will only need Jesus when I'm dying! These are the thoughts and questions on most of our hearts and minds at one point or another through our lives. In the readings today we see how Jesus is our mediator. He is the intercessor between us and God. He mediates – by begging mercy...

Sep 16, 2013

Who is Jesus? He has saved us! Saved is from what? Hell!  We desire a "new beginning"--the ultimate new beginning starts in us by allowing Jesus to continue to save us from our sins. The prodigal son story portrays perfectly for us that our God doesn't look at our sin as something beyond healing, but welcomes us home...

Sep 3, 2013

A pillar is what holds up the exterior and interior of a building. Fr Steve declares that the seniors of this parish are the ones who are holding up our community. How? By their witness of showing us that old age and illness are not a curse but a blessing and by their reverent faith. He also challenges them to pray...